Embassy of the United States of America i Belmopan‎

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Belmopan‎, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-4011
Latitude: 17.2566377, Longitude: -88.7731459
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Kommentar 5




    Perhaps Belize is regarded as an undesirable station, so the incompetent FS personnel are sent there. In the Army, we would put the morons where they could do the least potential harm. At any rate, the niv visa interview process is nothing short of idiotic. MY TIP... Allot more time for the interview, so people don't waste their time and money. If that means fewer interviews or longer hours, so be it. The interview should not be a feeble 2 minute attempt at onthefly mind reading, especially when the applicant has brought a boatload of supporting documents. Ridiculous is too kind.

  • albert rosa

    albert rosa


    Friendly customer service. Great job guys!

  • jim hunter

    jim hunter


    tried to contact via email several times...no response...over a month to get renewed passport no response.

  • Marissa Wright-Williams

    Marissa Wright-Williams


    Rude, they speak to you very matter of factly and had the nerve to tell my husband that because he is from Belize he does not have the privilege of having a private meeting. Very concerned about customer service skills because there is none. Asking all kinds of questions that had nothing to do with our case but then when I went there now they just want the facts! Make up your mind and don't lie Jennifer about what you said on April 19

  • nichole perdomo

    nichole perdomo


    Very helpful

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