Villa San Juan i Belmopan

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3639 Tangelo Street, Cohune Walk, Belmopan, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 610-0618
Latitude: 17.2563413, Longitude: -88.7780714
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Kommentar 5

  • Ken Streb

    Ken Streb


    Great place. I'd stay there again.

  • Akshat Vishal

    Akshat Vishal


    Love this place. Great hosts and nice location.

  • Vera lima

    Vera lima


    Boa noite, sou brasileira em minha visita a Belice estive hospedada no Hotel Villa San Juan o qual recomendo...excelente atenção dos seus proprietarios Sr Omar y sra Ellen...hotel esta bem localizado en zona segura, instalaçoēs necessarias p ter uma excelente estadia, uma experiencia muito boa... Vera de Lima

  • Jumaane Paul

    Jumaane Paul


    Great place to stay while in Belmopan. Best guest house / bed and breakfast in the town. With very gracious hosts, wonderful accommodation, medium sized pool and truly exquisite breakfasts, this is like a home away from home.

  • CJ Torgerson

    CJ Torgerson


    My wife and I along with another couple stayed here and it was the best experience we've had in this country. The rooms were immaculate and the owners were absolutely fantastic. I would give this place a 10 star rating. The breakfast we received in the morning was perfect. We stayed there only one night on February 8th 2016 but wish we could have stayed longer.

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