96 Orchid Garden i Belmopan

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🕗 Åbningstider

University Boulevard, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 605-1959
Latitude: 17.2396346, Longitude: -88.7703304
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Kommentar 5

  • Julio Reyes

    Julio Reyes


    Plants and more plants love it

  • Fran's Kitchen

    Fran's Kitchen


    Good variety

  • Oscar Riveroll

    Oscar Riveroll



  • Adalberto Mellado

    Adalberto Mellado


    Whenever you need from a cactus to an orchid, this is the place to visit. Cannot go wrong with your picks here because any plant you chose is unique and the best in it's own way. The staff is amazing and always willing to help you to find the plant of your option, and after making your choice you'll decide to take more than one. Can't go wrong in any decision, and you'll be saying wow as from the moment you step into the garden. Simply and amazing view in it and very lovely to walk in with flowers and plants all around you. Got to visit them again sooner than soon.

  • Ivette Sanker

    Ivette Sanker


    Very very Beautiful flowers

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