BlueBelize i Punta Gorda

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139, Front Street, Punta Gorda, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 722-2678
Latitude: 16.0938656, Longitude: -88.8073876
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Kommentar 5

  • Maximo Castillo

    Maximo Castillo


    This place is awesome tanks to a nice couple that invited us God bless there heart God bless belize punta Gorda

  • Rob & Kate Blickle

    Rob & Kate Blickle


    An ultimate kick back place to stay in the more unspoiled southern coastal area. It's literally at the end of road, exactly what we were looking for. Fly in on puddle jumper from Belize City. We befriended a local "cab driver" for private tours of the interesting chocolate industry, Mayan ruins and jumping the waterfall. Lovely fresh fruit breakfast served by most helpful staff. Use one of the guest house bikes to explore the friendly town. Several quality guiding services for bone, permit and tarpon.

  • Danae Passarelli

    Danae Passarelli


    When we arrived no one was at home so we had to wait for 20 minutes, however the rooms were clean and the breakfast and view were definitely the highlights.

  • Samuel O'Neill

    Samuel O'Neill


    Great place to stay in the south side of Punta Gorda. Right on the water in a cozy flat with great amenities. A breakfast of fresh bread and local fruit is provided every morning, and the hosts are very accommodating. We called this home for about 10 days. Try Asha's restaurant, within 3 minutes walk, for a great cool spot on the water.

  • Samuel Kessler

    Samuel Kessler


    Absolutely perfect. Elegant without ostentation. We had a truly beautiful room, location, and garden. There isn't much to do in Punta Gorda, but BlueBelize itself was worth the trip south. Breakfast was delicious as well. We couldn't have been happier. Highest recommendation!

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