Hibiscus Hotel i Belmopan

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Melhado Parade, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-0400
Hjemmeside: www.hibiscusbelize.com
Latitude: 17.2510123, Longitude: -88.7743457
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Kommentar 5

  • David Kendall-Sperry

    David Kendall-Sperry


    Great location; tucked away between the Ring roads just off Constitution Dr. Lots of shops, banks, market, pharmacies nearby. In my room were the cleanest tile floors of any place I've visited in my 47 years of internatonal travel. The doors were not well fit to their frames, but otherwise the room was well appointed. Not many power outlets but I usually carry a small power strip anyway. The atrium is a small paradise of plants & flowers among concrete walkways. There's a back gate to the grand walkway among the major government buildings an offices, leading to a beautiful large open area that's next to St. Ann's Anglican Church which owns the northern part of the open area. To the south of St. Ann's is Independence Park. Many trees but only a few shade the walkways. The hotel office is closed on Sundays & holidays but does accommodate guests every day. The upstairs restaurant is open-sided but covered and serves lunch & dinner, closed Sundays. If restaurant patrons are noisy then that can disturb hotel guests on the other side of the small atrium. Breakfast alternatives are nearby but not obvious. Caladium's is a 5 minute walk away for breakfast, lunch & dinner. The Hibiscus Hotel is a great place to stay. I'll be back.

  • Oscar Rodas

    Oscar Rodas


  • Michael Bosse

    Michael Bosse


    Nice place, rooms were clean and quiet. Excellent food upstairs in the lounge.

  • Yami Aleman

    Yami Aleman


    Its very neat

  • Mansfield Philip

    Mansfield Philip


    In d center of town close to all convenience

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