Pasquales Pizzeria i Belmopan

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Forest Drive, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-4663
Latitude: 17.2491572, Longitude: -88.776733
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Kommentar 5

  • Wendy Hernandez

    Wendy Hernandez


    I think their food is nice. It's also open on Sundays, one of the rare restaurants that does that in Belmopan. I just don't like the fact that you have to go order and pay inside, but apart from that it's great.

  • Jacob Hughes

    Jacob Hughes


    Probably some of the best food in the entire country. The people are nice and the selection is good.

  • kriol gyal

    kriol gyal


    Food is good but management needs to so something about flies that swarm around you when eating. It's unhealthy and bothersome. Doesn't make a pleasant dining experience

  • Inaldi Gomez

    Inaldi Gomez


    Excellent Fries here! Subs are delicious and different from anywhere else. Pizza Crust is thin and crunchy like a real Italian pizza...They are the best in Belmopan!

  • James Hein

    James Hein


    This place has great pizza and wings as well as sandwiches. It's a nice place to go for a casual meal. Service is quick and friendly.

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