The Mall i Belmopan

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Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-3399
Latitude: 17.243741, Longitude: -88.7837094
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Kommentar 5

  • Michelin Mas

    Michelin Mas


    It's an awesome place to go shopping at. It has so much to offer in hair products, household items, food and drinks.

  • Elwin Ariola

    Elwin Ariola


    Very unique and family friendly!! Love it will be back !!

  • Travel Gal

    Travel Gal


    The Mall is not really a ‘mall’ as the word is commonly used back home. It’s a big grocery store along with other department store items so you can pretty much find everything here except clothes. It is still smaller than a department store but larger than all the grocery stores we’ve seen in the area. For a bigger store you’d have to visit Belize City. This store is also conveniently located and prices are competitive.

  • Austin Robert Flores Sr.

    Austin Robert Flores Sr.


    They have a wide variety of items. You can find almost everything there and at a very reasonable price

  • Inaldi Gomez

    Inaldi Gomez


    The mall was giving coupons on December. By this January when I asked for my coupons they said they stopped. So I was fortunately able to redeem the coupons I had collected. So disappointing to hear that they stopped! That's a shame...thumbs down "The Mall"

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