Villa Boscardi i Belize City

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Manatee Drive, Belize City, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 223-1691
Latitude: 17.5139623, Longitude: -88.2153808
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Kommentar 5

  • The Anne Marie Kerezsi Real Estate Team

    The Anne Marie Kerezsi Real Estate Team


    Villa Bascardi was so incredibly delightful. The atmosphere is perfect. The owner and the staff were top notch. Kind, helpful and friendly. The breakfast was awesome and authentic. The decor is perfect! This is a definite must while you are in Belize. I will be back! Thank you! KEREZSI REAL ESTATE "Your Property, Our Priority" #KeepingUpWithTheKerezsis

  • Balal Hussain

    Balal Hussain


    Great food and service. Shrimp Basqueca (spelling?) was delicioso.

  • Susan Berry

    Susan Berry


    Staff was exceptional. Our cab broke down on the way to the airport at 5:30 a.m. Owner picked us up on the road side and got us to airport. They made us sandwiches for our early flight. Delicious!!!

  • George Ballentyne

    George Ballentyne


    Pretty basic, but with very friendly service. Good for a stopover in the city on the way somewhere else. Conveniently close to the tourist-friendly Belamari restaurant on the waterfront.

  • Bridget Hulse

    Bridget Hulse


    I would not suggest staying in Belize City, but if you do, this is a wonderful choice! The neighborhood seems sketchy (as all in Belize City are from what I've heard) but Villa Boscardi itself is great. Francoise, the owner is so wonderful, interesting and helpful. Our room was small, but clean, comfortable and had a view of the ocean (and of the Belizean Prime Ministers house, which is adjacent to the property.) There is a hot tub on the property which we also took advantage of!The breakfast is wonderful and the portions are large. There is a great restaurant a block away that's perfect for dinner on the water.

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