Banana Bank Lodge & Belize Horseback Adventures i Belmopan

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Mile 49 Western Hwy, Belmopan, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 832-2020
Latitude: 17.2585824, Longitude: -88.8043359
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Kommentar 5

  • joseph sowder

    joseph sowder


    Great horseback riding experience and beautiful scenery. Spent a couple hours riding on their property and really enjoyed the time. John and Carolyn were very gracious, and we got to see some of her original artwork displayed in the house! We will definitely be back.

  • chad fernandez

    chad fernandez


    We stayed here our last day/night in Belize and it was worth every penny!!! They have the super cool back entrance with a complimentary boat ride across the river. As we approached the office there was a live rescued Jaguar on-site which they fed later that night at my request because I want to watch her eat. The place and views are truly breath taking. There is an art collection on site which the owner of the hotel was kind enough to describe each piece of mayan artifacts, my opinion his collection more impressive than the Belize Museum that we also visited. The rooms were very private and secluded with staff always available. Great find, highly recommend. I never write reviews but I felt it necessary to write one for this place!

  • Ethan Shemesh

    Ethan Shemesh


    This place has improved but has much more room for improvement. Breakfast buffet was ok.

  • Manuel Cruz

    Manuel Cruz


    The atmosphere is so good. the food is even better. The animals are so beautiful had to visit a second time and maybe a third if possible. The rooms are very nice . and the star study was out of this world.

  • Michelle Weaver

    Michelle Weaver


    Our choice for a swimming pool that is big enough for a large crowd, nature and wild life all around. Not too far from home, a quick 20 minute drive. A great spot to relax.

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