Belize Jungle Dome i Belmopan

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Banana Bank Road, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 628-8550
Latitude: 17.2885587, Longitude: -88.7785324
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Kommentar 5

  • Dave P

    Dave P


    Amazing place. Andy and Simone will do what ever it takes to make sure you have an amazing experience. The food is nothing but incredible and the staff is also amazing. They will take Carr of everything and anything you need. Don't go anywhere else!

  • Victrie C

    Victrie C


    The owners are great and everyone is extremely helpful and accomodating! Will return for sure!!!

  • Jose Alviarez

    Jose Alviarez


    This place is amazing!!! I was happy to come by.😀

  • Deborah Cornland

    Deborah Cornland


    Lovely facility and a very warm relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Feels like home (I wish!). Great food as well.

  • Henrik Personn

    Henrik Personn


    The best Jungle Lodge in Belize which is also very close to Belmopan, its cozy, offers very tasty food and jungle surroundings with exceptional friendly and nice hosts. This place is perfect to either have a perfect vacation or deserved retreat after a working day in Belmopan. They have a nice saltwater pool (low chlorine level!! which is very good for your health) a Bar and they offer Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Besides this you can book different interesting tour packages with them, and one of the knowledgeable guides will take you around and give you insider information. You will never feel like a standard tourist, but like a very well treated (pampered! :) ) family member. We will surely come back. Thank you.

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