Best Time Inn - Bakadeer Inn Belize - Car Rental i Belize City

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Cleghorn Street, Belize City, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 223-0659
Latitude: 17.5007849, Longitude: -88.1917737
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Kommentar 5

  • Jess the Egg

    Jess the Egg


    Great place for people on a budget. The manager was welcoming and very friendly. Beds and bathroom were clean, however the ground had some dirty spots, so do not walk barefoot unless you don't mind cleaning your feet. Beware, rooms have no: hairdryer, couch/sofa, safe, tea/coffee maker, shampoo/conditioner, fridge. There is however a fridge in the kitchen. Only noise at night were some dogs rarely barking and the AC (very noisy). The breakfast was small but had the basics. Plenty of shops and restaurants around the inn.

  • Ari Mudo

    Ari Mudo


    Very nice and accomodating place to stop by for travelers. The manager welcomed us and always make sure that we were enjoying ur stay.

  • R M

    R M


    Dogs barking all night. No complimentary toiletries. No hairdryer. No elevator. Dark stairwell (no light). Faulty showerhead. Weak water pressure in shower & sink. No headboard. No fridge/ice. No coffee maker/complimentary coffee & tea. No safe. Etc., etc., etc.

  • Gunasegeran Sellappan

    Gunasegeran Sellappan


    Nice hotel with large rooms, amenities and air-conditioning. Continental breakfast included. No restaurant but plenty of them nearby. Safe area.

  • Morgan Carrasco

    Morgan Carrasco


    I stayed only one night, but I really enjoyed my stay. The room was clean and the bed was good. Decent price. The room also had a/c and a tv. I was very pleased. Only caveat I would say is that the bathroom was somewhat small and the sink outside the bathroom, but other than that, no complaints.

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