Bus Station i Belmopan

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Belmopan, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501
Latitude: 17.2497221, Longitude: -88.7747235
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Kommentar 5

  • NewWorldMe Bz

    NewWorldMe Bz


    Worst Bus service if you have 1 hr to wait for a bus I recommend but the service is horrible and usually there nowhere to sit Ambien noise is too loud, crowdy and usually very noisy but the place is neat

  • Stephanie Calam

    Stephanie Calam


    Was a bit noisy, hot and bus situation was not really okay.

  • Dethra Sabal

    Dethra Sabal


    It a great bus station

  • River Wilde

    River Wilde


    Typical Belize bus terminal. Not uncommon for the driver to order people standing in the isles to act as though they are seated when pulling in... I guess they get in trouble for overloading busses but do it anyway.

  • Eric Moreira

    Eric Moreira


    Average bus service although new buses are needed & bus drivers need to keep a limit of how many persons are to go in the bus not squishing each other because of no space uncomfortable experience

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Good Living Ranch Bus Stop

Western Highway, Teakettle
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