Caladium Restaurant i Belmopan‎

Åben kort
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Belmopan‎, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-2754
Latitude: 17.2500783, Longitude: -88.7745611
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Kommentar 5

  • Andre Neal

    Andre Neal


    Excellent everything.... ambience..service... food... drinks..

  • David Kendall-Sperry

    David Kendall-Sperry


    I was quickly served. I ordered the larger coffee black. For breakfast I ordered the eggs scrambled & ham with wheat toast, and orange juice. The bread was toasted well and served dry -- no butter, and the orange juice served on ice tasted freshly squeezed. Eggs were hot as was the coffee. Air conditioning was nice and ceiling fans provided good circulation. Used dishes were quickly cleared. Not too busy on a weekday at 8:30 a.m., plenty of open tables.

  • ron rankin

    ron rankin


    The food was magnificent and very cheep prices , great service, I would go back and did a couple times

  • Felene Cayetano

    Felene Cayetano


    I had breakfast there with friends recently and it was a delicious experience for all of us. Belizean food and multiple dessert options.

  • Alvan Rowland

    Alvan Rowland


    This is one of the oldest restaurants in Belmopan. It is still owned and run by the same family. The food and service is good. I would highly recommend the pastries, which is made in house and some of the best in the city. They have a separate area for take out, so it doesn't affect the main restaurant.

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