Great House Inn Hotel i Belize City

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13 Cork Street, Belize City, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 223-3400
Latitude: 17.4926548, Longitude: -88.1815431
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Kommentar 5

  • Daniel Mitchell

    Daniel Mitchell


    Great spacious rooms with comfy beds. Staff was excellent and very friendly. I just wished they had a small store to buy drinks/ snacks or at least a vending machine and a microwave inside the rooms. Also to point out they do not have a elevator or ramp so if you cannot get up stairs you are out of luck.

  • Ashley H.

    Ashley H.


    The building is lovely, but old. The room we had (#15) was spacious, but a little shabby - not bad, just general wear and tear. Personally I found the bed and pillows pretty uncomfortable, but for one night, it suited us just fine. There is a restaurant in the ground floor of the building, as well as a little cafe right next door. You will need to haul it up a few flights of stairs, but someone will help with your luggage.

  • Mariana Breglia

    Mariana Breglia


    Teníamos una habitación superior pero ubicada al lado de la recepción y de un sitio de uso común, horrible. El desayuno es muy malo, con lo que cuesta el Hotel (que no tiene ni pileta ) mínimo debería tener un buen desayuno. Belice city no vale la pena, es solo paso para los cayos.

  • Arlen Frye

    Arlen Frye


    Good location for land based activities. Easy, short walk to water taxi location if going offshore. Room was clean and pretty well kept. Staff was super nice and accommodating.

  • Tevis Spezia

    Tevis Spezia


    First, the hotel is located in a safe area of Belize City, which was nice. There's a wonderful cafe next door that the hotel gives a breakfast voucher for. The rooms are pretty spacious, with decent beds and great bathrooms. The front desk check-in is simple and easy, with a friendly staff. The rates were reasonable and either the same price or cheaper as the Radisson next door. My friend and I had two stays here, which we enjoyed. Unfortunately the area is lacking in restaurants and activities unless you're doing mainland tours or snorkeling/scuba adventures. I wouldn't recommend staying long in Belize City and moving on to Caye Caulker or San Pedro for a little more fun and relaxation. Overall this is a great hotel and if you're in the area, recommend staying here.

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