Guanacaste National Park i Belmopan

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Western Highway, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501
Latitude: 17.2633658, Longitude: -88.7863658
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Kommentar 5

  • Juan Tun

    Juan Tun


    It's a cool excellent place,a lot of natures view.located beside the Belize old river.

  • Jacob Hughes

    Jacob Hughes


    This is a wonderful place to spot reptiles. Many iguanas live in this park. Unfortunately there are mosquitoes absolutely everywhere and the close by street ruins the tranquility.

  • Osmer Escarraga

    Osmer Escarraga


    A very intense location full of fauna and nature with it beautiful history hiding on it

  • Keisha Rodriguez

    Keisha Rodriguez


    Great park...wildlife can be seen running around in their natural habitat.

  • James Clark

    James Clark


    The park is very nice — trails are interesting with many twists and turns. A lot of up and down — great views of the river — so many plants to see (and birds)! The curator is very pleasant too. The only drawback is that it is so close to the highway that you have traffic/truck noise for most of your hike.

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