Land Department i Belmopan

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🕗 Åbningstider

Royal Palm II, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-2249
Latitude: 17.2608004, Longitude: -88.7786341
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Kommentar 5

  • Ronny Plett

    Ronny Plett


    Dec. 2016. The most inept government department in all of Belize! Make sure you always keep all your records and receipts, or they will sell your land from under you to some foreigner. Never expect a land document to be processed in less than 3-6 months, although it can take up to 3 years and in some cases up to 5 years. The employees are lethargic and will rather play solitaire than do an honest days work. I will be happy to change this review when things improve. You will not get any help without a bribe. $20 dollars at every turn, and $200 will be necessary in some places. Update Nov. 2017 I did not know it was possible, but in the last year this Department has went even further down the drain many people now have their titles being held hostage. You have to pay enormous bribes and still can not get any paperwork done. Countless employees and ministers have illegally obtained lands through this Department in the last year. Beware, unless you have a special account full of money for bribes do not even try to purchase land.

  • Dorothy Ayala

    Dorothy Ayala


  • Delbert Penner

    Delbert Penner


    Great and friendly service

  • Michael Gibbons

    Michael Gibbons


    Things are never Ez in Belize,just keep trying and don't get vexed at the staff , they are doing what they can with what they got to work with ! Peace, Love, Respect,

  • Jhayr Betancur

    Jhayr Betancur


    I love your work

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