Mike's Cue Club.Bar & Restaurant i Belmopan

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Barton Creek Street, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 623-1620
Hjemmeside: m.facebook.com
Latitude: 17.2457437, Longitude: -88.7736497
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Kommentar 5

  • Zeida Montero

    Zeida Montero


    Delicious wings!!! Fun place to hang.

  • Gershom Rodriguez

    Gershom Rodriguez


    Excellent food, best drinks and great service.

  • HMV



    Great place to hang out with friends. And the foods good too.

  • jovan thompson

    jovan thompson


    Atmosphere is great, nice place to unwind and chill with friends, food is great but when it comes to ordering any food with fries the fries are usually a bit uncooked.

  • Nya Solomon

    Nya Solomon


    The service is exceptional! Don't have to wait long to be attended to. The food is amazing! Everything I've tried so far is nothing less than delicious. My favourite is the Sweet and Sour Wings with a side of Fry Rice. The atmosphere is very pleasing and welcoming. There are several Flat Screen TVs at least 55 inch TVs, that make you feel comfy and right at home. For the sophisticated, they offer pool, and for the brave, there is also karaoke. I find myself keep coming back everytime.

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