Roaring River Golf and Acommodation i Cayo District

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Roaring River Drive, Cayo District, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 664-5441
Latitude: 17.2322815, Longitude: -88.8026197
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Kommentar 5

  • V. B.

    V. B.


    Great service great day people, great time.

  • Andrew Muha

    Andrew Muha


    Great little golf course, Paul is the best.

  • Eammon Gillett

    Eammon Gillett


    Very Great Place

  • davruskel



    Hands down the best place to stay around Belmopan!!! You can't beat Paul's hospitality and his staff is top notch. A great place to get away from all the noise and lights of the city, definitely worth the short drive.

  • Will Sanders

    Will Sanders


    Tranquil, natural, comfortable, and safe are a few adjectives to start describing the accommodations here. Add to that the new Jacuzzi style pool (see the fancy lighting effect in the photo) and convenience to Belmopan and this is an outstanding place to stay. The rooms and grounds are well maintained and the staff is friendly and efficient.

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