The Copa Banana i Corozal District

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409 Bay Shore Drive, PO Box 226, Corozal, Belize, Central America, Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 422-0284
Latitude: 18.3767536, Longitude: -88.3990297
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Kommentar 5

  • Tammy Elliott

    Tammy Elliott


  • Albert Rancharan

    Albert Rancharan


    Nice Caribbean sea views can see Maya ruin across the sea quite relaxing paradise

  • Eli Ceno

    Eli Ceno


    By the seaside beautiful veiw and full of retired americans . Safe cozy place

  • de pune

    de pune


  • Renae Hackett-Thurman

    Renae Hackett-Thurman


    We went to Belize in May 2015 for a vacation and stayed here a couple days in the Main Guest House. We were looking for long term rentals for an international move. The owner informed us they were turning the guest rooms into two long term rentals. We were excited and loved the location and amenities and entered into long term rental agreements, 1 year, for both homes at $1100 US for one and $1000US for the other. My parents in one house and my husband and I in the other house. After being there for a month to six weeks my mother became ill. She had several visits to the doctor and finally was told by the doctor that she needed to go home. Therefore we had to break the lease on their house and forfeited a $1000US deposit. However, upon moving in my mother discovered the house to be filthy. She spent hours cleaning it, washing curtains, cleaning cupboards, and all appliances. When told of the cleaning need and shown a few examples, the owner did not care and refused to give even the $200US cleaning fee. We paid rent for November on October 29. The very next day we received a 30 day eviction notice. We had attempted to was covers on the furniture, which were filthy, and they fell apart. We had immediately informed the owner, coincidentally right before we paid rent. She evicted us on the grounds that outperform dogs were too noisy and they were destructive...claiming they had destroyed the covers. We received a partial deposit refund but the $200US cleaning fee and $800US pet deposit were withheld. While living in the houses we had rodents and ants in excess. We were told nothing could be done because of our pets. I would not recommend this business. Additionally, the owners are real estate agents in Belize. Because if our experience renting from them, I would not recommend working with them either!

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