The Inn at Twin Palms i Belmopan

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Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 610-2831
Latitude: 17.249728, Longitude: -88.786689
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Kommentar 5

  • Alessio Gori

    Alessio Gori


    Excellent. Like to stay at home

  • Alexander Lugo

    Alexander Lugo


    I routinely travel to Belize for work, and the Twin Palms Inn is my most preferred location for lodging. The owners are welcoming and genuinely care about their guests.

  • Tristan Hewlett

    Tristan Hewlett


    It is a great and beautiful place.... It is kind of hard to explain with word though

  • Ken Post

    Ken Post


    My husband, daughter and I stayed at the Inn at Twin Palms in November, 2017. The family-owned resort is conveniently located in Belmopan, Belize. Once off the road, you enter the grounds and find yourself in a peaceful environment, surrounded by lush tropical flora, beautifully maintained. The food is excellent! The rooms are comfortable and clean. Throughout our stay, the owners made us feel welcomed, comfortable, and part of an extended family. We felt very much at home. The Inn at Twin Palms is an oasis in the city of Belmopan. Its location makes it easy to explore the city by bus, or by taxi. Guanacaste Park and the agricultural fair grounds are within walking distance. We recommend a stay at Twin Palms to anyone visiting the city of Belmopan.

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith


    Tim and Anna are fantastic. The rooms are clean and comfortable. Beautiful flowers. The breakfast is fresh and homemade and out-of-this-world. Popular place for many foreign visitors. I highly recommend this B&B.

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