Best Time Inn - Bakadeer Inn Belize i Belize City

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Cleghorn Street, Belize City, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 223-0659
Latitude: 17.5007849, Longitude: -88.1917737
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Kommentar 5

  • Gunasegeran Sellappan

    Gunasegeran Sellappan


    Nice hotel with large rooms, amenities and air-conditioning. Continental breakfast included. No restaurant but plenty of them nearby. Safe area.

  • Chanel Fall

    Chanel Fall


    We needed a place to stay before our morning flight out of Belize, while staying on a budget. Staff was very friendly and helpful, room was a good size and tidy, but the bathroom ceiling was very mouldy and kind of gross, and bed pretty uncomfortable. There's nothing really in the area except one Restaurant, however the noise all night was pretty unbearable. All night people in and out of the main door and walking and yelling past our room. We don't expect much for $65CND, but it was pretty bad. Breakfast in the morning was toast/cereal and fruit, it was okay. Next time I'd probably try to find somewhere else to stay and "splurge" a little!

  • k alexander

    k alexander


    Nice bare bones place to stay. Safe place. Can't sleep in because of construction that starts at 7:30.

  • Morgan Carrasco

    Morgan Carrasco


    I stayed only one night, but I really enjoyed my stay. The room was clean and the bed was good. Decent price. The room also had a/c and a tv. I was very pleased. Only caveat I would say is that the bathroom was somewhat small and the sink outside the bathroom, but other than that, no complaints.

  • Ram Ramani

    Ram Ramani


    Excellent service and the staff genuinely are interested in helping guests. Place is old and shows its age. Bedsheets and covers were torn, shower handles stuck and toilet ran slow. Overall, basic place for a short stay.

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