Bull Frog i Belmopan

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25, Half Moon Avenue, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-2111
Hjemmeside: www.bullfroginn.com
Latitude: 17.2516989, Longitude: -88.7643891
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Kommentar 5

  • Felene Cayetano

    Felene Cayetano


    My rating is for the restaurant side. Great local and international food especially at times when other restaurants serving Belizean food are closed.

  • Alessio Gori

    Alessio Gori


    One of the best in Belmopan. Very good restaurant also

  • ryan mes

    ryan mes


    Nice environment. When u dont like the crowd, this is the place to be. Nice staff keep it up!!!!

  • Garlan Yoder

    Garlan Yoder


    Ate breakfast there with friends and I was not happy. I ordered a menu item that said it came with 2 sides and a drink. They said they had no juice - in Belize! Then I was informed that I only got one side despite what the menu said. And when I got that side it was in the main dish, not as a side. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is the food I got was good. It was way over priced for what I got.

  • Cuzz Patt

    Cuzz Patt


    Food is so tasty and they have a special everyday. The menu will be upgraded in a few days.

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