Corkers Restaurant and Wine Bar i Belmopan

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Corkers Lane, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-0400
Latitude: 17.2508751, Longitude: -88.7745228
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Kommentar 5

  • daniel rivillo

    daniel rivillo


    Very clean hotel, and great attention

  • David Kendall-Sperry

    David Kendall-Sperry


    Back for another visit at the Corker. Wasn't too hungry so I had two of the appetizers. The loaded potatoes were packed with pico de gallo, ham, cheese and a side of sour cream. A few too many onions for me, but otherwise excellent. The shrimp cocktail served up many shrimp covered in a tart sauce with tomatoes and lettuce and slices of a bread loaf. Delicious. Two Belikin drafts accompanied my appetizers, along with a brief thunderstorm. Staff quickly and efficiently moved customers around in the breeze-way restaurant to avoid most of the rain drops. Some moved inside where the rain couldn't reach. I was invited inside but stayed at a mostly dry table. Finally decided to try the Devils Chocolate Cake. Again delicious; haven't found a bad dessert yet. Another fine time for dinner and drinks. Excellent service and attention to my requests.

  • Ashton Laing

    Ashton Laing


    Amazing food and atmosphere. Everything was exceptional.

  • Dennis Gonguez

    Dennis Gonguez


    Food was excellent. Waitress had an attitude. Seemed to be overworked. Lipstick on my glass of "fresh" juice.

  • Leanne Knox

    Leanne Knox


    Fantastic meal, warm service. A lovely restaurant. I love the cucumber mix (it's a yummy drink) and the mozzarella sticks.

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Market Square, Belmopan
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