Kenmar Bed & Breakfast i Belmopan

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22/24, Half Moon Avenue, Belmopan, BZ Belize
Kontakter telefon: +501 822-0118
Latitude: 17.2522012, Longitude: -88.7648438
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Kommentar 5

  • Mks Sastry

    Mks Sastry


    Excellent. Lovely place, nice breakfast and friendly owners/ staff. Gym is well stocked and the place is kept well and clean. Recommended

  • Karlin Kent Fuller

    Karlin Kent Fuller


    Home away from home, that is what you find at Kenmar's B&B

  • Sandy Smith

    Sandy Smith


    Gated B&B. Electricity is expensive, so lights and A/C off most of the time. When there is no electricity (not their fault), it gets pretty sweltering - couldn't open the window. Feels like staying in someone's home. Breakfast is always ready on time and is good. Opportunity for lots of interaction with other guests.

  • Mihai Belcan

    Mihai Belcan


    A very cozy bed & breakfast. The room was clean, well equipped and the food was delicious.

  • Michael Kale Fuller

    Michael Kale Fuller


    Your home away from home. One of the cosiest and most welcoming bed and breakfast in Belize.

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